Useful publications about gambling

Useful publications for gamblers, their family and friends and professionals who encounter gambling related harms in their work.

Gambling and Problem Gambling - Briefly and Clearly

This booklet talks about gambling, risks associated with gambling, and problem gambling. Gambling is widely available in Finland and Finnish people gamble a lot.

Gambling and Problem Gambling - Briefly and Clearly

Penno Manage Your Money

To Penno

For professionals

Instances providing different support and treatment services can order the following brochures to their premises to give out to the customers

• brochures of Peluuri (in Finnish, Swedish and English)
• brochures of The time to Fold (Peli poikki) program (in Finnish)

Orders by email: peluuri(a)

More about gambling problem

Gambling and problem gambling – Finnish Gambling 2019 : Prevalence of at-risk gambling has decreased

State of play 2017 : A review of gambling in Finland

Salonen AH, CastrénS, Alho H & Lahti T (2014). Concerned significant others of people with gambling prob-lems in Finland: a cross-sectional population study . BMC Public Health14, 398.

Avellan M (2013) ed. Yearbook of Gambling in Finland 2012 . Ministry of the Interior, National Police Board, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health,National Institute for Health and Welfare. Helsinki 2013.

Castrén S, Basnet S, Pankakoski M, Ronkainen J-E, Helakorpi S, Uutela A, Alho H & Lahti T (2013). An analysis of Problem Gambling among the Finnish working-age population: A Population Survey . BMC, Public Health 13, 519.

Castrén S, Pankakoski M, Tamminen M, Lipsanen J, Ladouceur R & Lahti T (2013). Internet-based CBT inter-vention for gamblers in Finland experiences from the field. Scand J Psychol. 2013 Feb 8.